To inspire and be inspired

Jason Leung is currently located in the Bay Area, where he enjoys the convenience of being within a 3-4 hour reach of almost any environment. He currently works as a freelance photographer and videographer, primarily focused on documenting non-profit stories in the Bay Area as well as filming and photographing food content for restaurants. Although he enjoys capturing a variety of subjects, Jason's favorite subject to shoot is food, as it offers a unique opportunity to connect with others and tell compelling stories. Furthermore, he finds that there's always a perk of being able to enjoy the food after a shoot! While he has a strong passion for food photography, Jason remains open to exploring other genres to expand his skillset and find inspiration from other photographers. Ultimately, his goal is to make a positive difference in people's lives through his photography

Random Flexes

A mixed collection of features with my photos and videos


Images on Unsplash viewed
over 1 billion times

Photo featured in musical artist Fletcher’s single album cover

Short doc featuring one of my #StopAsianHate photograph

Featuring a couple of #StopAsianHate photographs


Unsplash Editor’s Choice: 2017 Photos
of the Year

My top viewed and downloaded photo


Featured in Pop-Up Magazine x Google Year in Search 2021

Featured in Wise Knuckle magazine with cover photo and article